EQIL Adds New Resource

Name&GenderMarkerChangesCoverAs our first new initiative of the new year, Equality Illinois today is releasing our Guide to Name and Gender Marker Changes, an Equality Illinois tool kit designed to assist transgender individuals facing the sometimes difficult task of changing their names and identification documents.

We are in a new era for equal rights for LGBT individuals in Illinois and the U.S. While we are still fighting for full equality, we need to make sure that the rights we have fought so hard to win are implemented fairly and that the impacted individuals have access to fully use their rights. Our Guide to Name and Gender Marker Changes is a significant step in that process.

This new booklet from Equality Illinois contains information to guide transgender individuals in Illinois through the process of changing one’s name and obtaining a new birth certificate, driver’s license, Social Security card, and passport. It also provides information regarding registering with the United States Selective Service Administration.

The 44-page Equality Illinois Guide to Name and Gender Marker Changes includes the forms that will be needed, the government offices to contact, and step-by-step instructions.

Read and download the guide