Today we are sharing with Equality Illinois supporters a preview of our Get Your V-Card campaign, a statewide effort to make sure voters are ready to cast a ballot in the upcoming general election – so we can defend our historic victories in November!
The campaign will be launched throughout the state on Monday. Get Your V Card is geared at making your voting experience as easy as possible, including connecting you to the new state service that enables Illinois residents to register online. is a one-stop location for voters who want to register to vote online, verify if their registration is up to date, and, come September 25, request an absentee ballot. You can start today and not wait for the public launch on Monday.
Whether you are a first-time voter, a regular voter who recently changed your address, or someone just curious about the rules for voting, we’re here to help. Go to and follow the easy steps:
1) Commit to vote in November
2) Verify you are registered to vote at your current address
3) Register to vote using the online form
4) Request an absentee ballot (available September 25)
Share this video on Facebook and Twitter, and please remind your friends to #GetYourVcard!