Be visible. Be POWERFUL!

Equality Illinois needs your help so LGBTQ Illinoisans can be visible and powerful. With the help of supporters like you, our team has spent much of this year working on issues in Springfield and across the state.

Can you please help support this work by making a one-time donation of $10, $25, $50, or $100? Or, become a monthly sustaining contributor?

Our advocacy work became immensely more challenging when Donald Trump won the presidency. Not only do we face a blatantly anti-LGBTQ administration, but his victory has emboldened forces that oppose fairness and justice for LGBTQ Americans.

We have to make sure Illinois remains a leader for LGBTQ rights and that our office-holders remain responsive to your needs. We must be visible. We must be POWERFUL. Your contribution helps Equality Illinois in this vital work.

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