We have achieved great progress towards LGBTQ equality through engagement in the electoral process. Let’s keep Chicago a welcoming and affirming city. Let’s vote for LGBTQ equality.
In Chicago, there’s still time for you to have your say in who should be your next pro-equality Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and Alderman. Standing up for LGBTQ equality means showing up at the voting booth. This election, we have the power to vote for candidates who support equality for all. Thank you for following through on your commitment to vote this election.
Here are two simple steps you can take to make your voice heard at the ballot box:
Step 1: Check your registration status
Head to the Chicago Board of Election Commissionerswebsite to check your registration status and make sure it is up to date. If you are registering to vote for the first time or have to file an address update or name change, you can do that when you vote, but you must provide two forms of ID, one of which shows your current address.
Step 2: Make a plan to vote
Having a plan to vote is crucial to make sure your voice is heard this election. Making a plan is as easy as deciding what day and what time you want to vote.
On Monday, February 25, you can vote at the designated early voting location in your ward or at the Loop Super Site. Click here for more information on Early Voting, including locations and hours.
On Tuesday, February 26, a voter may cast a ballot only at the polling place assigned to that voter’s precinct. Click here to check your voter information and find your polling place. Polls will be open from 6:00am to 7:00pm and you can get up to two hours paid leave if you need to vote during the work day.