Press Releases

Media Contacts

Main number: 773-477-7173; General EI Email

For general media assistance and to sign up for our news releases and media advisories, please contact: Myles Brady Davis, Director of Communications and Press Secretary


Equality Illinois stands ready to help media outlets the the story of the fight for LGBTQ+ equality.

Please feel free to reach out to our team of experts as well as other voices and information that we can provide to add depth and detail to your stories, columns, TV and radio shows, websites and blogs.

Equality Illinois is the state's oldest and largest organization advocating for full equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ+) people, with a membership of over 40,000 people and a full-time professional staff of policy experts, organizers and lobbyists and a statewide reach.

Among the issues we can address are:

  • General LGBTQ+ policy issues (marriage equality, civil unions, adoptions, parenting, discrimination, transgender rights)
  • Hispanohablantes están disponibles para entrevistas a pedido
  • Political developments
  • LGBTQ+ legal topics
  • Corporate responsibility and LGBTQ+ support ratings
  • Equality Illinois positions, events and activities
  • Springfield agenda
  • Federal agenda
  • Statewide political relations
  • Elections and the LGBTQ+ stake
  • Relations with labor and faith leaders
  • Outreach to Illinois communities and institutions
  • Personal stories on LGBTQ+ issues
  • LGBTQ resources
  • Founding and history of Equality Illinois and of LGBTQ+ activism in Chicago and Illinois

Other resources:

Updates on Equality Illinois and LGBTQ+ news on our website
Files of our press releases

Add your name or news organization to the Equality Illinois news release email list, please email our media office with your name, title, organization, telephone numbers and email address.

Follow Equality Illinois on facebook  and twitter

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