Mitchell Locin

Tribute Reception

With Gov. Pat Quinn, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon, state Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka and Senate President John Cullerton leading the way, last weekend’s Equality Illinois Tribute Reception to the people who made the freedom to marry a reality in Illinois was a great success. Photographer Christine Grost captured the joy of …

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ENDA falls short

As our work to eliminate discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans continues, Equality Illinois strives to make the protections as broad and as inclusive as possible. With that in mind, Equality Illinois believes the current version of ENDA – the proposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act – falls short because it includes a religious exemption …

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Illinois Witnessing Historic Marriages

Six months after the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act became law, it finally went into effect statewide yesterday, and today, marriage licenses are being issued throughout the state and couples who were joined in civil unions could start converting their status to marriages if they desire. To celebrate, Equality Illinois worked with the Museum …

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Clergy Ready to Perform Same-Sex Marriages

Hundreds of clergy members in Illinois want to officiate at same-sex wedding ceremonies, newly possible under the freedom to marry law, and Equality Illinois helps couples connect with the faith leaders in a new pamphlet. The just-issued listing of wedding officiants answers one of the most frequent questions about the new marriage equality: Who will …

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LGBT Equality Institute

Equality Illinois – in partnership with Lambda Legal, the the AIDS Legal Council of Chicago, the National Immigrant Justice Center and Howard Brown Health Center – is inviting activists and supporters to attend the LGBT Equality Institute this spring to discuss the myriad issues still facing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Illinoisans and the strategies …

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Protect LGBT Minors

Last week, the Illinois House Human Services Committee approved HB5569, The Youth Mental Health Protection Act, by a bipartisan 9 to 6 vote. The bill is now moving to the Illinois‬ House of Representatives, and could be voted on in the next two weeks. Equality Illinois is calling on the General Assembly to protect all …

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In memorial: Vernita Gray

Equality Illinois is joining the sad chorus of voices mourning the passing overnight of Vernita Gray. A fighter for LGBT equality for over four decades, including eight years on the board of Equality Illinois, Vernita made history again last November when she and her longtime partner Patricia Ewert became the first same-sex couple to wed …

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The important Illinois Primary is TODAY. Supporters of marriage equality need your help.   The Equality Illinois Political Action Committee endorsements are HERE.   To check on your registration and polling place, click HERE.  

Vote on Tuesday

The important Illinois Primary is Tuesday. Supporters of marriage equality need your help. The Equality Illinois Political Action Committee endorsements are HERE. To check on your registration and polling place, click HERE.

Central Illinois Welcomes Marriage Equality

Champaign County Clerk Gordy Hulten (pictured left) today became the second county clerk in Illinois to issue marriage licenses to all loving, committed couples. Equality Illinois is challenging other clerks throughout the state to do the same. Clerk Hulten said his Central Illinois constituents should enjoy the constitutional right of the freedom to marry that …

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U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman has just ordered Cook County to begin issuing marriage licenses immediately to same-sex couples. At the same time, there are renewed attempts in Illinois to weaken or repeal our hard-won freedom to marry. Tens of thousands of Illinois couples have been waiting for a long time, some for …

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Thank you!

The Equality Illinois 2014 Gala Saturday night was the biggest and most successful ever, thanks to the record crowd of 1,400 celebrants, our dedicated volunteers, all the companies and individuals who were sponsors and donated items for the Silent Auction and bought pages in the program book, and the special guests, including Gov. Pat Quinn, …

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