Breaking News in Illinois

U.S. Court Protects Workers Regardless of Their Sexual Orientation

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit made the right decision Tuesday that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in matters of employment regardless of the worker’s sexual orientation. In Illinois, we know the power of such protections because our Human Rights Act already prohibits workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual …

U.S. Court Protects Workers Regardless of Their Sexual Orientation Read More »

House Committee Passes Birth Certificate Bill

The bill to modernize the Illinois birth certificate law passed the Illinois House Human Services Committee Wednesday morning by a 7-4 vote. Thank you to Rep. Greg Harris, and Equality Illinois’ coalition partners the ACLU of Illinois, Illinois Safe Schools Alliance, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Howard Brown Health, and Lambda Legal. And a special thank …

House Committee Passes Birth Certificate Bill Read More »

Equality Illinois, other LGBTQ champions, respond to Trump transgender student policy

Illinois organizations fighting for the civil rights of LGBTQ Illinoisans respond at a news conference to President Donald Trump’s decision to rescind Department of Education and Department of Justice guidance clarifying the civil rights of transgender students. Groups speaking include Equality Illinois, Lambda Legal – Midwest Regional Office, Illinois Safe Schools Alliance and ACLU of …

Equality Illinois, other LGBTQ champions, respond to Trump transgender student policy Read More »

Equality Illinois Condemns Trump Administration’s Anti-Transgender Policy

Equality Illinois condemns the decision of the Trump administration to tear up the 2016 federal guidance protecting the civil rights and equal treatment of transgender youth in our public schools. “We are outraged the Trump Administration would choose to target transgender children for discrimination. Rescinding the guidance letter sends a terrible message and invites personal …

Equality Illinois Condemns Trump Administration’s Anti-Transgender Policy Read More »

Inauguration Day

On this Inauguration Day, LGBTQ civil rights protections should not be at risk with the change in administrations, but that’s the reality we face. Equality Illinois, working with our supporters in Congress and allied organizations fighting for equality and justice, will resist at every turn. Stay abreast of our work here on our website or …

Inauguration Day Read More »

“We will resist” LGBTQ rights rollbacks

Equality Illinois CEO Brian C. Johnson writes in a column in The Chicago Sun-Times that “we will resist at every turn” promised attempts by incoming Trump administration officials and the Republican majorities in Congress to roll back LGBTQ rights. “While the threat of immediate and far reaching policy shifts suggest darker years for the LGBTQ …

“We will resist” LGBTQ rights rollbacks Read More »

EI Participates in Women Demand Respect Rally

Women Demand Respect RallyICYMI – Representing Equality Illinois, our Jessica Peters joined a Women Demand Respect rally across from Chicago’s Trump Tower on Thursday to speak out against the anti-women rhetoric and attitudes of the Trump-Pence ticket. #womenspeak Jessica joined advocates from UNITE HERE Local 1, Planned Parenthood Illinois Action, Chicago Women Take Action, Grassroots …

EI Participates in Women Demand Respect Rally Read More »

Equality Illinois PAC Makes Endorsements

The Equality Illinois PAC announces endorsements of 51 candidates, including Susana A. Mendoza for Illinois State Comptroller and state legislative candidates, in the general election on November 8, 2016. “The opponents of LGBT equality and inclusion are determined to stop progress towards full equality,” said Brian C. Johnson, CEO of Equality Illinois. “We must be …

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Equality Illinois Condemns Attempt to Undermine Ban on Conversion Therapy

Equality Illinois condemns the lawsuit filed by a small handful of pastors against Illinois’ law protecting LGBT youth from harmful conversion therapy. The Youth Mental Health Protection Act is based on scientific consensus. The law protects patients from harmful, coercive, and fraudulent treatments that attempt to change the unchangeable. Faith leaders remain free to say …

Equality Illinois Condemns Attempt to Undermine Ban on Conversion Therapy Read More »

Chicago City Council Stands Up for Transgender People

The Chicago City Council stood up for the rights of transgender people Wednesday when it passed the Equal Access Ordinance, a measure supported by Equality Illinois that will ensure equal access consistent with a person’s gender identity in places of public accommodations in Chicago. The ordinance passed the 50-person council on a vote of 45-5, …

Chicago City Council Stands Up for Transgender People Read More »

Orlando tragedy brings Illinois’ Muslim, LGBT communities together

In the wake of last week’s shooting in Orlando that left 49 dead and another 53 injured in a gay nightclub, leaders from the LGBT and Muslim communities in Illinois called Monday for a joint commitment to civil rights. Equality Illinois, Lambda Legal – Midwest Regional Office and the Council on American Islamic Relations-Chicago participated …

Orlando tragedy brings Illinois’ Muslim, LGBT communities together Read More »

Equality Illinois Names Brian C. Johnson as CEO

Equality Illinois’ work on behalf of LGBT Illinoisans and their families enters its second quarter century under a new leader who has a history of social justice advocacy, building diverse coalitions and improving educational outcomes for youth. Named today as the Chief Executive Officer of Equality Illinois is Brian C. Johnson, who currently serves as …

Equality Illinois Names Brian C. Johnson as CEO Read More »

Sign Petition to Protect Transgender Students

It’s happened in other states, and now it’s happening in Illinois. A shameful bill, which would force ‪‎transgender‬ students to use separate school facilities from their peers, has advanced to the Illinois House Human Services Committee. We need to stop it in its tracks! Sign the petition at the link below. We’ll deliver the petition …

Sign Petition to Protect Transgender Students Read More »

Kirk, Durbin Should Promptly Act on Court Replacement

Equality Illinois today calls on Senator Mark Kirk and Senator Dick Durbin to promptly act on President Obama’s nomination to replace the Justice Scalia. Sen. Kirk will be under tremendous pressure from his Republican colleagues to automatically reject the President’s nominee. Yet, Sen. Kirk has demonstrated a thoughtful willingness to work in a bipartisan manner …

Kirk, Durbin Should Promptly Act on Court Replacement Read More »

Equality Illinois Freedom Award to Honor Nancy Pelosi

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s visionary advocacy for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans as a Member of Congress, Democratic Leader and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives will be recognized with the 2016 Equality Illinois Freedom Award. Leader Pelosi will accept the recognition at the Equality Illinois 25th Anniversary Gala …

Equality Illinois Freedom Award to Honor Nancy Pelosi Read More »

Equality Illinois Expands Statewide Strategy

Equality Illinois is excited to announce an expanded statewide strategy that includes opening of a central Illinois office and a network of strategic local partnerships in order to better serve the needs and priorities of ‪‎LGBT‬ Illinoisans. Equality Illinois’ first strategic community partner is the Phoenix Center, Springfield’s LGBT community center. The Equality Illinois central …

Equality Illinois Expands Statewide Strategy Read More »

Enhanced Hate Crimes Law Signed

Today, Governor Bruce Rauner signed legislation adding gender identity and LGBT community centers to existing Illinois hate crimes protections This bill was a major initiative of Equality Illinois during the spring legislative session. Thank you, Gov. Rauner, and the legislative sponsors Representative Sam Yingling,  State Representative Kelly Cassidy, and Senator Daniel Biss, for helping to protect LGBT Illinoisans. READ MORE

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