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Ask Your Legislators to Pass Bills That Help LGBTQ Illinoisans

Two important pro-LGBTQ bills are under consideration in Springfield. Legislators need to hear from you on BOTH bills, and we’ve made it easy for you to send them a message. <<Click the image to urge your legislators to modernize the Illinois birth certificate law so transgender Illinoisans can live with dignity and to support the …

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‘Spring to Action’ Agenda Focuses on Local Events

LGBTQ Americans find themselves in a position we haven’t been in for nearly a decade: fighting against an administration that wants to turn back the clock on LGBTQ rights. This sadly signals to others that it is permissible to try to stop the progress we’ve all fought so hard to achieve locally and nationally. To …

‘Spring to Action’ Agenda Focuses on Local Events Read More »

On Giving Tuesday, help keep the Trump-Pence administration in check

Donate on Giving Tuesday to ensure that the fight for true lived equality will continue UNTIL WE’RE ALL EQUAL! Feeling excited and empowered after more than 200 LGBTQ stakeholders and allies came together on Monday night for a Post-Election Action Forum to discuss how to react to the Trump-Pence administration, we are determined to be …

On Giving Tuesday, help keep the Trump-Pence administration in check Read More »

Listening Tour

In the first months of the tenure of new Equality Illinois CEO Brian C. Johnson, he’s been on a listening tour throughout Illinois, in big cities, college towns and small hamlets, to listen to LGBTQ stakeholders, to hear your stories, and learn about your hopes and fears for the future. Today, he is publishing his …

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With his selection of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as the Republican vice presidential nominee, Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee for president, is demonstrating a callous disregard for LGBT Americans and our families. As a private citizen, a member of Congress and in the Indiana statehouse, Gov. Pence has rejected recognizing that lesbian, gay, bisexual …


EqualityCon 2016 Program Educates and Informs

EqualityCon 2016 in Chicago is just two weeks away on May 13-14! Do not miss your chance to register for Illinois’ premier organizing and educational conference for the LGBT community and allies in our state! This is your chance to discuss the future of our movement and garner practical skills. Sessions will cover: Employment, adoption, …

EqualityCon 2016 Program Educates and Informs Read More »

Sign Petition to Protect Transgender Students

It’s happened in other states, and now it’s happening in Illinois. A shameful bill, which would force ‪‎transgender‬ students to use separate school facilities from their peers, has advanced to the Illinois House Human Services Committee. We need to stop it in its tracks! Sign the petition at the link below. We’ll deliver the petition …

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Do Your Job, Senate

President Obama performed his constitutional duty by nominating Judge Merrick Garland to fill the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Join Equality Illinois in calling on the U.S. Senate to ‪do your job‬ and our two Senators, Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk, to carry through on their constitutional responsibilities …

Do Your Job, Senate Read More »


On #GivingTuesday, let’s remember those who are vulnerable and feel excluded. Equality Illinois is committed to building a better Illinois, so that every individual no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression can feel included and live equally. We want this holiday season to be happy time for the LGBT community in our …

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