Join the Equality Illinois “Get Engaged” campaign
Help Equality Illinois GET ENGAGED in the next phase of LGBT advocacy. The work of securing full equality for LGBT people is far from over. We want people to Get Engaged with Equality Illinois, Get Engaged with LGBT issues, Get Engaged with the community, and, of course, if you like, you can now Get Engaged to be married.
Here are the guidelines and rules:
*The deadline is Friday, April 25 for submission of a jpeg image.
*Submit entries to and include your full name, street address, and phone number.
*It must include the EQIL logo pictured here and the words “Get Engaged”.
*It must be functional for buttons, stickers, T-shirts, posters, flyers, websites, emails, and social media.
*The winner receives two tickets to EQIL’s “Out at the Sox” game at 7 pm on Sat., Aug. 16 in U.S. Cellular Field, a $25 gift card and a T-shirt with the new logo.
*Equality Illinois is the sole determinant of the winner and the final design. The final design may be adjusted by a graphic artist to meet reproduction requirements. All entries, including the winning entry, become the property of Equality Illinois and used as determined by Equality Illinois and will not be returned.
For inspiration, here are some Equality Illinois logos employed for the marriage equality campaign in recent years: